
Showing posts from February, 2018

Gosford Sands 2

More of a geologists' paradise, this is a part 2 of a long, April beach walk, with sun kissed rocks, minerals, fossils and faces. All in one.

Gosford Sands

A long planned long walk. As its full of geologists' jewels, if you're not into such things, skip this one :) Had to wait around 10 years, cos of my CFS health problems, to be fit enough to get the buses plus train and walk this far (and also have energy left to return...). It turned out, all this waiting was well worth it!

Seton Sands to Ferny Ness

This was a quick and cold afternoon walk during early March 2017, jumping on Lothian bus and not expecting much of the weather... Still, the dynamics of sea climate decided to show off its miracles and clouds slowly lifted, rolled up in vortex fashion into a long strips and then all completely disappeared towards the end of this wonderful day!